July 20th, 2012

When we study graves, we study the emotions of people past. If we look past the architecture, the epitaphs and inscriptions, the statues, we can see emotion. A cemetery transports us to different times. In 1818, this person’s family stood here, missing him, crying for him, accepting his death. Memento mori reminds us to “remember death” because our mortality is precious. Tragedies remind us that our lives can end at any time. Maybe the small things don’t matter. Maybe it’s better to worry about small things, like being late for work, instead of worrying about big things, like possibly being shot when you go to a movie.

The tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, was heinous and senseless. Each person involved is a victim for a different reason. Those who have died will be remembered always and with love. Morality is precious. So is each human life and the memories they give to others.

Behind every grave is a story and a life that has ceased. Each of these people will have a grave but have stories and lives that will last longer than a stone monument or ashes.

Please keep all victims of the Aurora, Colorado shooting in your thoughts and prayers.

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